Monday, October 28, 2013

Cleaning Your "Cyber Closet" With Social Bookmarking

What is Social Bookmarking?
Have you ever found the greatest website in existence, got distracted by life, and when you finally had the time to enjoy it you could no longer find or remember the link? Well if this sounds like you I have the perfect solution! Social Bookmarking.
            What is Social Bookmarking you ask? Well it’s a revolutionary new online tool that allows users to save links to websites, articles, or media and save it in their own personal library for a later date. This is the bookmarking part of it. The social part comes from your ability to share your bookmarked links with friends or the public. As well as being a great communication tool social bookmarking has several other benefits:

Social Bookmarking Can Help Promote Your Business
Because the links you post to your library can be made public, you can use this to your advantage and self-promote. Post links to your own personal website or on related topics. The more bookmarks you make the greater online visibility you will have. No publicity is bad publicity. Right? An added benefit to this is because social bookmarking sites are known for containing fresh information search engines are always accessing them, so there is a possibility that if you are consistently bookmarking your website it will be higher ranked on search engines such as Google.

Social Bookmarking Can Keep You Organized
If you are a messy individual such as myself, social bookmarking can help you out. I mean it won’t clean your room or anything for you but it can organize your links and online resources. Whenever you save a link you have the option to tag keywords to it, this is important because if you have thousands of links saved in your library you will have an extremely difficult time trying to find it. But by attaching keywords to it you can search your library in seconds and find the link you are looking for. Bam! Instant Organization at your fingertips.

Social Bookmarking is a Collaboration Tool
If you are a student or even an employee that does projects with multiple people, social bookmarking sites allow you to set up groups with specific people. So if you are trying to share and coordinate information with multiple people, social bookmarking is a fantastic tool for that.

Twitter and Pinterest are actually considered social bookmarking sites; these are helpful if you are trying to promote a business because there are so many active users. But if you are looking more for a streamlined personal site that allows you to regulate your level of privacy I would recommend Diigo. Diigo is very simple and easy to use.

Useful Links

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